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May 1 2021

COMKFOR met with LMTs from RC-West

COMKFOR and LMTs walking in the Old Bazaar of Gjakova/Dakovica.

PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici met the soldiers of the Liaison Monitoring Team (LMT) K-29, from Regional Command West, in Gjakova/Ðakovica.

The team Leader provided an update on the current daily activities that they conduct, and he told COMKFOR about the high prestige and acceptance level that KFOR gets among the local community.

During his visit, conducted at the LMT Field House and in the streets of the city centre, Major General Federici took this opportunity to express his appreciation for the high professionalism shown by the soldiers of K-29; encouraging them to continue talking to the people and continue to show KFOR’s supportive presence in the area.

In particular, LMT K-29 made a significant contribution to the community by identifying social projects in need of assistance and also supported some local schools in terms of training course in physiotherapy for the benefit of the community. This project was seen and appreciated by the citizens as quite necessary and a useful facility for the students.

The presence on the ground of the LMT K-29 contributes significantly to improving the relationships among all the people in the area and also to foster the citizens’ reliability with KFOR.

The Liaison and Monitoring Teams provides KFOR with "situational awareness”, through liaison activities with the local institutions, International Organizations and particularly with the local population. They conduct daily monitoring movements in order to gain a sense of the economic, social and political situation.

NATO-led KFOR’ s mission is to contribute in guaranteeing a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all citizens in Kosovo, as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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