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Aug 12 2021

COMKFOR met LMTs and visited Camp Sultan Murat


PRISTINA- KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici, recently met with some of the Liaison Monitoring Team (LMTs) soldiers while they have been conducting their daily activities and afterwards he paid a visit to the Turkish Contingent HQ, Camp Sultan Murat in Prizren.

The visit started with meeting the LMT K-12 in the municipality of Lipjan/Lipljan and it continued with an inspection to the LMT K-28 in Mamushë/Mamusha at their Field House.

In both occasions, General Federici was briefed by each Team Leader while he was walking on the towns' streets. In these circumstances COM KFOR received an accurate update on the current operations carried out in both LMTs' areas of responsibility and he took the opportunity to express his appreciation to the Turkish soldiers for their professionalism and dedication, recognizing the high effectiveness shown by them in maintaining very good relations with the local authorities and the population.

The Liaison and Monitoring Teams provide KFOR with situational awareness, through liaison activities with the local institutions, International Organizations and particularly with the local population. Their tasks are to show KFOR's supportive presence in the area, conduct daily monitoring movements in order to perceive the economic, social and political aspect that could affect the KFOR mission.

NATO-led KFOR's mission is to contribute in guaranteeing a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all citizens in Kosovo, as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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