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Sep 15 2021

COMKFOR met CHoD of the Armed Forces of Montenegro

PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici, visited Montenegro where he conducted a meeting with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, Brigadier General Milutin Đurović.

During the meeting, the Montenegrin Chief of Defence and COMKFOR had the opportunity to discuss about the KFOR commitment in ensuring the stability in the Western Balkans area and the central importance of KFOR in supporting the development of a safe, democratic, multi-ethnic and peaceful.

Republic of Montenegro, as NATO member since 2018, contributes to KFOR with military and civilian staff in the HQ.

The meeting in Podgorica is part of the numerous and regular consultations that COMKFOR performs with the political and military authorities of the troops contributing nations to KFOR. These engagements are aimed to reinforce the mutual cooperation and underline the significance of NATO's presence in Kosovo recognized as an impartial military presence committed in providing security and stability.

KFOR is NATO's longest-running operation. It is a success story for the Alliance and its partners which is contributing to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement to all communities living in Kosovo as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.


Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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