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Sep 10 2021

Latvian Minister of Defence visited KFOR HQ


PRISTINA- COMKFOR, Major General Federici welcomed the Latvian Minister of Defence, H.E. Dr. Artis Pabriks in KFOR HQ.

During the meeting, Major General Federici and Latvian Minister of Defense, H.E. Dr. Artis Pabriks discussed the latest developments in the current security situation in Kosovo. They agreed on the importance of KFOR' s presence to preserve a safe and secure environment and guarantee freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo, and of working in close coordination with the local and International Community. KFOR Commander also congratulated the minister for the commitment and professionalism of the Latvian soldiers.

NATO-KFOR's mission is to contribute to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. In carrying out its mission, KFOR cooperates and assists the United Nations, the European Union and other international actors, as appropriate, to support the development of a stable and peaceful Kosovo.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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