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Dec 15 2019

The Christmas tree of KFOR lighted at Camp Film City

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Kosovo Force, a special ceremony for the lighting of the Christmas tree took place at the Headquarters.
Since 1999 the evergreen tree symbolizing peace, joy and friendship is provided by a small town in Austria to the Soldiers of KFOR.

Before the lights were switched on by General Michele Risi, the Commander of KFOR, a choir of young pupils of the Prenk Jakova School of Music performed classical Christmas carols in front of many soldiers and guests, among which dozens of children from Pristina accompanied by their families.

After the lighting of the tree, all children received Christmas presents and sweets from KFOR soldiers and their Commander, who highlighted – in his address to the attendance – the meaning of the holiday spirit: helping others.

"This is what KFOR is about: to ensure security and stability for all communities in Kosovo, to build bridges reassuring everyone who has been wounded, that through dialogue and empathy the conditions for a stable and prosperous future will be created“, said General Risi while thanking his soldiers for their commitment in the name of ‚Enduring Stability’, the new motto of KFOR.

Soldiers of KFOR also took part for the third time to the Humanitarian Mini Marathon “Run Santa Claus” held in Pristina.


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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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