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Western Blizzard exercise

Pristina - A complex exercise has been completed to test the reaction capabilities of the Multinational Battle Group West (MNBG-W) in response to possible crises in the western sector of Kosovo.

An escalation of violence caused by the approach of a hostile crowd near a particularly sensitive area, with subsequent reinforcement expressed by the Hungarian Company of the Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) of KFOR.

Moreover, the Staff of the MNBG-W, after having recreated a crisis Unit, was able to evaluate the decision-making capacity by checking the reaction times based on the change in the scenario.

Among the skills expressed, particular attention was focused on Crowd and Riot Control, through the use of specialized tactical equipment, the removal of improvised road blocks and request for medical assistance by helicopter (Medical Evacuation).

The activity represented an important opportunity to evaluate and compare KFOR multinational components with a view to strengthening the operational capabilities of the Forces in Kosovo.

The Italian-led MNBG-W, based on the 185th Artillery Paracadutisti Folgore Regiment, as established by the United Nations Resolution 1244, contributes to a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all Kosovo citizens. Italian, Slovenian, Austrian and Moldavian soldiers belonging to MNBGW, work with Enduring Commitment, monitoring and protecting the Monastery of Decane as first responder and realizing CIMIC projects(Civil and Military Cooperation), to improve the living conditions of the population.


Western Blizzard exercise

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