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The President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly visited KFOR

Pristina - COMKFOR, General CUOCI, received the visit of H.E. Mr. Paolo ALLI, President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
The NATO Parliamentary Assembly is an inter-parliamentary organization, established in 1955, made up of 266 delegates from the 29 NATO member countries, and it is completely independent of NATO but provides a link between NATO and the parliaments of its member countries. It brings together legislators from NATO member countries to consider security-related issues of common interest and concern.
Since the 1980s, it has assumed additional roles by integrating into its work parliamentarians from NATO partner countries in Europe and beyond. Since 1989, the Assembly has also had, among its objectives, to assist in the development of parliamentary democracy throughout the Euro-Atlantic area by integrating parliamentarians from non-member countries into the Assembly’s work; to assist directly those parliaments of countries actively seeking Alliance membership and to increase cooperation with countries which seek closer relations with NATO rather than membership, including those of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean regions.
During the meeting, General CUOCI gave a general overview about the situation in Kosovo where, together with 28 NATO members and partners, International Community and Local Institutions, KFOR is operating to contribute to a safe and secure environment and guarantee the freedom of movement, in accordance with its mandate, for all citizens in Kosovo. KFOR Commander also underlined the excellent cooperation he has having with all the nations bordering the KFOR area of responsibility to increase dialogue and mutual military understanding because stability and security in this region contributes to stability and security in Europe.
The President of the NATO-PA, H.E. Mr. ALLI, expressed his deep appreciation to General CUOCI for how KFOR is performing its tasks, a success story for NATO being the longest-running operation since 1999, and wished him all the best in achieving the mission. On the other hand, General CUOCI thanked President ALLI for his visit to KFOR and ensured his "Enduring Commitment” as stated in his motto.

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