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NATO SG Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security visited KFOR

Pristina-  NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, Ms. Clare Hutchinson was welcomed today in Camp Film City by KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci.

During the meeting they underlined the importance of the awareness on the Kosovo social situation in order to achieve effectively the objectives of KFOR mission. COMKFOR particularly stressed that gender perspectives are an essential aspect of the mission that has always been taken into account in KFOR’s daily activities.

Ms Clare Hutchinson is the high-level focal point on all aspects of NATO’s contribution to the Women, Peace and Security agenda, with the aim to facilitate coordination and consistency in NATO’s policies and activities.

KFOR’s attention to the needs of the population in Kosovo highlights NATO’s interest and commitment to promote gender equality and the importance of ensuring women’s active and meaningful participation in decision-making processes and representation in all institutions.

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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10000, Pristina