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MNBG-W Transfer of Authority ceremony

The Multinational Battle Group West (MNBG-W) Transfer of Authority ceremony was held at Camp "Villaggio Italia” in Pec/Peje. After a successful six months tour of duty, the 185th "Folgore” Airborne Artillery Regiment will return to Italy.

This ceremony marked the occasion of the hand-over of responsibility to the incoming Italian 5th Alpine Regiment. Colonel Ettore Gagliardi handed over authority to Colonel Ruggero Cucchini at the presence of the Italian Joint Operations Headquarters Deputy Commander, Major General Nicola Lanza de Cristoforis and the KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci. Many other local civilian, political and religious Authorities attended the ceremony.

During his speech, Colonel Gagliardi expressed his sincere appreciation for all the personnel who served under his command, remarking their "Enduring Commitment”. General Cuoci thanked soldiers of MNBG-W, expressing satisfaction and deep appreciation for the excellent results achieved.

At the end of the ceremony, COMKFOR handed the Nato Flag to Colonel Cucchini, as symbol of the beginning of a new tour of Duty.

General Lanza de Cristoforis remarked the contribution of the Italian presence in Kosovo, maintaining a safe and secure environment and the freedom of movement since 1999, promoting the development of local Institution through CIMIC projects, under the United Nation 1244 Resolution. 

MNBG-WEST Transfer of Authority

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