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MNBGE Change of Command Ceremony

Pristina -  "I am proud of the work you have done and will do for Multinational Battle Group East, for KFOR, and for the people of Kosovo”. With these words, KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci, marked the Change of Command ceremony of Multinational Battle Group East, in Camp Bondsteel.

In front of the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, Mr. Raymond Rees, local and international authorities and representatives of all KFOR units, Colonel Nick Ducich, belonging to the 79th Infantry Brigade from of San Diego California, handed over the command to Colonel Roy Macaraeg of the 29th Infantry Brigade from Kapolei in Hawaii.

As General Cuoci underlined, during nine months tour of duty, Colonel Nick Ducich led several operations in close collaboration with Serbian Armed Forces and Kosovo Border Police. Moreover his units supported local institutions in ensuring a safe and secure environment.

"KFOR Multinational Battle Group East developed strong partnership with the Institution in Kosovo and the international community in its area of responsibility. You have not only successfully completed all assigned tasks, but you have developed relationship building operations that have contributed to the accomplishments of KFOR’s mission” said COMKFOR.

General Cuoci took also the opportunity to praise the US contingent for their high professionalism, dedication and sincere commitment to KFOR. He emotionally remembered the fallen soldiers that lost their life to help to improve the lives of the people of Kosovo "To them and to their families I give my salute and my gratitude”.
MNBGE Change of Command Ceremony

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