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KFOR thanks Estonia's efforts and commitment

Pristina - KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci, presided over the ceremony that officially marked Estonia’s exit from KFOR, after almost nineteen years of duty in Kosovo.

"Thank you Estonia for having been part of our Enduring Commitment to contribute in building a better future for Kosovo”. With these words Major General Cuoci expressed his gratitude to Estonia for its contribution to guarantee a safe and a secure environment in Kosovo since 1999. Moreover, COMKFOR highlighted the dedication, the expertise and the professionalism of the 777 Estonian soldiers who served with KFOR for 19 years.

Just few days ago KFOR welcomed Montenegro among its troop contributing nations. Even though on this day KFOR is losing one of its flags, this only represents the ordinary evolution of a living and dynamic mission. KFOR will carry on its tasks equally committed to continue accomplishing its mission in the same successful manner.

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