Pristina - KFOR International Day took place on Sunday, 1st July, at the KFOR HQ, Camp Film City in Pristina. Over 2,000 guests attended this eventful day, organized to celebrate the interculturality of the 28 Contributing Nations to the KFOR mission.
In the presence of representatives of local institutions, International Community operating in Kosovo, diplomats, civilian personnel accompanied by their families, schoolchildren of every ethnic group present in the territory, General Salvatore Cuoci, Commander of KFOR, underlined in his speech the cultural differences that each of the 28 nations possess internally represent in reality a factor of success, an opportunity for growth and not a limit.
To the young people present, General Cuoci, who has always been sensitive to the problems of youth in Kosovo, has turned his personal encouragement to look ahead and be protagonists of his own future: "Here you will see as people of many countries, different cultures, religions, languages and traditions can live in harmony. In the same way, the people of Kosovo can. Going around the stands of all nations, you will notice soldiers who look different or speak a different language than you might expect. They proudly wear the flag of their nation, but they may not exactly match your idea, because these nations have shaped their present in which languages, religions, traditions, customs and different values contribute positively to the development of the entire nation. Now is the time for the people of Kosovo to move towards a prosperous future, enriched by different historical and cultural values. The children and young people present here today are the future and will learn from our example that cultural integration is the key to a brighter future ".
To embellish the day, the paratroopers of the "Folgore” Airborne Brigade have held thousands of people with their eyes in the sky to admire the launch with the technique of free fall with which they have unfolded the flag bearing the motto "Enduring Commitment".