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Italian Chief of Defence visited KFOR

Pristina - KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, welcomed in Camp Film City the Italian Chief of Defence, General Enzo Vecciarelli.

General D’Addario briefed General Vecciarelli on the latest developments of security situation in the area and the role played by KFOR troops in maintaining a safe and secure environment.

During the two days visit, the Italian Chief of Defence took the opportunity to address the Italian contingent stationed both in Camp Film city and in Camp Villaggio Italia. In his speech he expressed his personal closeness to the troops and to their families, thanking them for their commitment in guaranteeing a stable and peaceful situation in the area and ensuring a better future for Kosovo.

On the other hand, COMKFOR expressed his appreciation for the heartfelt words. "We are aware that our families support us and thanks to this we try every day to do our work with honor and pride”.
Photos: flic.kr/s/aHsm7W6BTp
Italian Chief of Defence, General Enzo Vecciarelli, visited KFOR

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