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Exercise Silver Sabre 2018-1

Exercise Silver Sabre 2018 – 1 was concluded with a final exercise, which was conducted in the presence of Distinguished Visitors and heads of all participating institutions on Friday, 27th April 2018 in Camp Pomozatin and Slatina Military Airport.

Under the guidance of KFOR Deputy Commander, Brigadier General János CSOMBÓK, Silver Sabre 2018-1 aimed to train the Commanders and staff of KFOR, EULEX and Kosovo Security Organizations in handling operations in emergency disaster relief and civil disturbance scenario, starting from municipality level up to Kosovo Government.

"Today’s main effort is to demonstrate how KFOR, EULEX, KSC, EMA, KP, KSF within their given mandate and mission are able to handle highly complex situations in a combined and comprehensive approach,” said KFOR DCOM, Brigadier General János CSOMBÓK.

In his address to the participants, KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore CUOCI spoke about the aim and operational objectives of Silver Sabre as KFOR’s pivotal exercise. "NATO and KFOR’s aim is to enhance the capabilities and skills of the Institutions in Kosovo under their current mandate in dealing with major events such as natural disasters,” COMKFOR, Major General Salvatore CUOCI said. General CUOCI expressed his appreciation to all contributors for their hard work and joint commitment during the preparation and execution phases of the exercise.

Exercise Silver Sabre 2018, as one of the most important training activities conducted and led by KFOR, was held throughout 16th to 27th of April in Camp Film City, Camp Pomozatin and Slatina Military Airport, and brought together different players, such as European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Kosovo Security Council (KSC), Kosovo Police (KP), Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) and Kosovo Emergency Management Agency (EMA).

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