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COMKFOR met with Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff

Pristina - KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore CUOCI met today the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF), General Ljubisa DIKOVIC in Belgrade.

The purpose of the meeting between Generals CUOCI and DIKOVIC was to discuss current overall security situation, as well as conducting of the joint activities of KFOR and SAF. This was the first meeting between COMKFOR and General DIKOVIC since General CUOCI took over the command of KFOR in November last year.

Both Generals agreed that cooperation and mutual activities, carried out through synchronized KFOR/SAF patrols along the Administrative Boundary Line, contribute to maintaining a peaceful and positive atmosphere.

KFOR Commander periodically meets the Chiefs of Defence of the countries bordering the KFOR Area of Responsibility to increase dialogue and mutual military understanding. KFOR continues to fully accomplish its tasks, according to the NATO mandate, promoting activities for the implementation of the stabilization process in Kosovo.

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