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COMKFOR met the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Community and Returns

KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore CUOCI, today held a meeting with Mr. Dalibor JEVTIC, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Community and Returns.

They discussed about the security situation in Kosovo, focusing on the latest events occurred in returnees communities and in Gjakova/Djakovica.

Major General Salvatore Cuoci said that "KFOR is always committed in performing its tasks in accordance with the current mandate as foreseen by the UNSC resolution 1244, supporting Institution in Kosovo and International Community to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all citizen in Kosovo regardless their ethnicity and religion.”

They also discussed about other several topics in the spotlight in these days in Kosovo; Jevtic stressed the expectation that KFOR, together with other institutions in Kosovo, prevents any possible violence.

KFOR Commander ensured that in presence of any kind of warning that could affect the security situation, KFOR is ready to adopt any necessary measure to keep Kosovo safe.

This was the first meeting of Major General Cuoci with the Deputy Prime Minister Dalibor Jevtic, since he became the Commander of the Kosovo Force.

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