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COMKFOR: I invite everyone to manage disputes peacefully and responsibly

Pristina - The outgoing KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci today held his last press conference in Pristina before the Change of Command ceremony, which will take place on November 28.

Speaking about his mission of twelve months full of challenges, General Cuoci emphasized the events of last week when certain international and economic developments increased the tension, especially in the North of Kosovo, and called upon everybody to manage the disputes peacefully and responsibly, refuting the use of force or violence.

"We count on everyone in the region to show moderation and support any effort that leads to the normalization of the security situation and avoids creating tensions,” COMKFOR said.

The 22 nd Commander of KFOR, General Cuoci also underlined that for almost two decades, KFOR has been contributing to make this place safer, always focusing on the people, working with them and for them to provide a safer and more secure environment, so that the future generations could live in a peaceful, multi-ethnic, democratic and prosperous Kosovo.

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