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COMKFOR attended the closing event of the International Summer Academy at UBT Faculty

Pristina- COMKFOR, General CUOCI, attended the closing event of the 7th International Summer Academy 2018 at the UBT Faculty of Political Science in Pristina.

COMKFOR, with the President of UBT, Prof. Edmond Hajrizi, distributed to the students the certificates after a course on "International Intervention in Crisis Area-Conflict Resolution" developed in cooperation with NATO Defence College Foundation represented by its Director, General RTD Giuseppe MORABITO and the Senior Military Advisor, General RTD Giorgio BATTISTI.

During his speech, General CUOCI commented the great opportunity that students had to see how International Institutions work, especially NATO that is here since 1999, he also underlined the great role of the youth in Kosovo in shaping the future.

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