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Chief of Staff hand-over in Camp Film City

Pristina- "The right man, in the right place". With these simple but meaningful words KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci, introduced the Chief of Staff Transfer of Authority. On this occasion, Brigadier General Lawrence "Randy" Powell left the floor and the responsibilities to the Brigadier General John C. Boyd.

The ceremony was attended by civilian, diplomatic authorities and all representatives of the KFOR contributing nations and Headquarters Branches. The remarkable and heart-felt participation showed the exceptional leadership and mentorship that BG Powell demonstrated in one year of hard and committed work in KFOR.

MG Cuoci in his speech underlined the ability to direct different directorate and to coordinate members of 28 different nations. Moreover, COMKFOR exposed his sincere appreciation to the support received since the beginning of his mandate, defining the outgoing Chief of Staff "his principal advisor concerning planning, coordination and execution of the operations".

During the ceremony BG Powell was awarded with the NATO with international medals as symbol of gratitude for his brilliant job. He was extremely touched and thanked all his Staff for their collaboration and wished all the best to his successor.

Brigadier General Boyd takes over responsibility after serving as Special Assistant to Director of the Army National Guard stationed in Arlington, Virginia.

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