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Under Secretary of ITA Defence visited KFOR

PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni FUNGO, welcomed in KFOR HQ the Under Secretary of ITA Defence, Hon. Gioacchino ALFANO.

Hon. ALFANO was accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Gianfranco PAGLIA, Golden Medal for Military Valour, Ministry of Defence advisor and National advisor of the Italian Table Tennis Federation.

During the office call COMKFOR and Hon. ALFANO discussed about the overall security and political situation in Kosovo and in the Western Balkans region.

They underlined the importance of the commitment of KFOR in maintaining a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo and the essential contribution of the Italian contingent deployed in the Region since 1999.

Later, Hon. ALFANO had the opportunity to meet the Italian Contingent personnel.

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the Italian soldiers deployed in Kosovo to ensure security – Hon. ALFANO said. With their commitment and together with the other contingents deployed in Kosovo, they support the social, economic and political development of the Region.

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