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The Mabey Jonson Military Bridge in Mitrovica/e South is reopened

PRISTINA- After a two-days closing, the Mabey Johnson Military Bridge in Mitrovica/e South is now reopen to the traffic circulation.

On Saturday 29 th and Sunday 30th July, the bridge was closed due to the technical inspection conducted by the KFOR Engineers from the Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG), in close cooperation with the bridging experts from the KSF Engineering Battalion.

The aim of the inspection, that is part of KFOR’s ongoing maintenance and repair schedule for all KFOR Bridges, was to ensure that the Bridge remains operational and safe.

The bridge installed by KFOR IN 2002 provides the population of Mitrovica/e with a vital alternative crossing point of the IBAR River in the South part of the City.

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