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Silver Sabre 2017 – 2

PRISTINA - KFOR conducted Exercise Silver Sabre 2017 – 2 in Camp Film City, Camp Pomozatin and Camp Vrelo. Under the guidance of KFOR Deputy Commander, Brigadier General János CSOMBÓK, all the actors involved achieved the aim to improve mutual understanding regarding their roles, capabilities and capacities to emergency response.

Exercise Silver Sabre is one of the most important training activities conducted and led by KFOR bringing together, in a coordinated and synergetic way, the different players, European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Kosovo Police (KP), Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) and Kosovo Emergency Management Agency (EMA).

The event is scheduled twice a year. It is focused on civil disturbance and emergency disaster relief scenario operations on a Kosovo wide level, with particular attention to Crowd and Riot control (CRC) training and fire fighting.

Silver Sabre 2017 – 2 was conducted in two phases. From 23 to 27 October, the Table Top exercise took place, in Camp Film City, in order to train the commanders and their staff in the command, control and coordination with the aim to improve the interoperability in relation to the different layers of response. Track 2, the Field part, was conducted from 30th October to 3rd November, at Camp Pomozatin and Camp Vrelo. The main purpose was to train all units and establish a common understanding in tactics, techniques and procedures.

In his closing address to the troops KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni FUNGO, expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the results achieved. "Together, with KSF, EULEX, KP and EMA, I thank you for your great show of professionalism, dedication, trust and commitment. Today we saw solid organisations working as a single force for all the people of Kosovo” he said.

Silver Sabre 2017-2

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