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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2017  /  OPENING OF THE NEW LMT HOUSE IN MAMUSHA


Mamusha, Kosovo, January 25 2017, Today, in the town of Mamusha a new KFOR Liaison Monitoring Team (LMT) house was officially opened by COMKFOR Major General Giovanni Fungo and the Turkish Ambassador to Kosovo, H.E. Ms. Kivileim Kilic. The ceremony was attended by many dignitaries who included the Mayor of Mamusha, local politicians, the Turkish Commander of JRD-S and KFOR soldiers.

This new LMT house which was funded by the Turkish Government and is operated by Turkish Army Officers and soldiers serving with KFOR, replaces the old LMT house that has been in town of Mamusha since August 2009. The Turkish Ambassador to Kosovo complimented Major General Giovanni Fungo for his guidance and continued support.

LMT houses are located in local Kosovo communities and are manned by KFOR soldiers who work closely with the local Kosovo institutions in order to support them in their work.

COMKOR, stated that the opening of the LMT house is a very important day for KFOR. He said it was a further commitment from KFOR to ensure SASE and FOM for all the people of Kosovo. Major General Giovanni Fungo stated that KFOR represents stability and peace throughout all of Kosovo. He expressed his gratitude to the Turkish Government for their investment in this project.

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