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NALT held Transfer of Authority ceremony

PRISTINA - The NATO Advisory and Liaison Team (NALT) Transfer of Authority ceremony was held in the suggestive setting of the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force, Pristina.

The change of command between the outgoing German Brigadier General Dietmar Mosmann and the incoming German Brigadier General Ralf Hoffmann, as NALT Director, took place at the presence of KFOR Commander Major General Giovanni Fungo, International Community and the Kosovo Security Forces leadership.

Sense of duty, responsibility, commitment and professionalism are the characteristic that guided the excellent work of NALT personnel. BG Mosmann wanted to recall these values, once again, and expressed his gratitude and all the pride of being their Commander.

The NALT was established on 24 August 2016. The main focus is on the Kosovo security forces, their professional development, sustainability, and interoperability within civil society. NALT assistance and advice is clearly focused on the KSF within its current mandate and mission, but also reaching out to other security organisations in Kosovo that have an interaction with the MKSF or KSF.

NALT -Transfer of Authority

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