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MNBG-W Combat Service Support Battalion Change of Command

BELO POLJE, Kosovo – KFOR Multinational Battle Group West Combat Service Support Battalion (CSS BN) Change of Command ceremony, between outgoing Lt. Col. Francesco Miele and the incoming Lt. Col. Antonio Burti, took place on March, 10th.

CSS BN is the logistic unit deployed in Kosovo in order to provide support to the force based in ‘Villaggio Italia’ and to contribute in maintaining high readiness of the MNBG-W.

The ceremony was attended by COMKFOR, Major General Giovanni Fungo, who praised the commitment and the professionalism shown by all the men and women belonging to the unit.

NATO operation "Joint Enterprise” forces are provided by 30 contributing nations with more than 4000 soldiers, 550 of whom are from Italy, spread between Multinational Battle Group West, Multinational Specialized Unit (composed only by Carabinieri) and JRD (Joint Regional Detachment).

MNBG-W Combat Service Support Battalion Change of Command

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