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KSF and KFOR in joint effort to fight Explosive Remnants of War

The Mine Action Centre from Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) is exercising Mine Action Authority over governmental demining structures, respectively KSF demining units and non-governmental demining organizations, focusing on both the clearance of areas contaminated with mines and other Explosive Remnants of War (ERW).

Mine Action Authority is being exercised also on intervention for solving Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) incidents involving the suspected presence of mines, Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO) and Abandoned Explosive Ordnance (AXO) reported by Kosovo citizens and institutions.

While the humanitarian demining (HD) effort is successfully carried out by KSF Demining Teams from Civil Protection Regiment and HALO Trust and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) deminers aiming to engage and clear 22 out of existing 115 Dangerous Areas in 2017, the Kosovo EOD Emergency Response System (KEERS) is run by Kosovo Police (KP), KFOR and KSF employing from each organization the central coordination elements and EOD Response Teams.

The final disposal operations of the collected ERW are well pre-planned and coordinated and usually are being executed jointly, having KSF, KFOR and KP IEDD Teams participating. The last combined demolition operations have been executed in KFOR demolition Range ORAHOVAC/RAHOVEC on 21st, 25th and 26th of July 2017. A total number of sixty-two (62) pieces of collected explosive ordnance ranging from 40 to 105 mm have been safely disposed of.

Compared to 2016, when 313 EOD incidents were reported by population and institutions in Kosovo, during the 1st half of 2017 165 EOD incidents have been reported Kosovo wide; in total 57 were solved by KSF, 31 by KFOR and 77 by KSF and KFOR together.

The KSF EOD effort on mines and ERW clearance continues in both area clearance and EOD emergency response directions, as Kosovo still has a long way to go till complete removal of explosive hazards.
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KSF and KFOR in joint effort to fight Explosive Remnants of War

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