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KFOR marked the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Helicopter hangar

PRISTINA – COMKFOR, Major General Giovanni FUNGO, today presided the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Rotary Wing (helicopter) hangar at Rotary Wing Deployed Operational Base (RWDOB) – the Military Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) facility, after four years of hard work.

This event marks the completion of major construction and the transition of a fully mission-capable Military Airport for KFOR Forces. The project will provide better capabilities for air missions supporting KFOR.

The new RWDOB is managed in close cooperation with Kosovo main agencies involved in the air traffic control and security. It will fully support full fixed wing and rotary wing air operations to the KFOR mission with command and control and airfield ground lighting, new aprons and the new maintenance hangar.
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New KFOR Helicopter Hangar

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