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KFOR made a donation in Janjeve/Janjevo

PRISTINA - KFOR completed a CIMIC project planned by the Joint Regional Detachment - Center in favour of the multi-ethnic primary school in Janjeve/Janjevo.

The donation of school uniforms, provided by the Turkish Liaison Monitoring Team (LMT), will support the needs of pupils from Croatian community and Roma-Ashkali- Egyptian (RAE) who cannot afford to have one. The Director of the Institute, Mr. Gafur BYTUCI, and the Director of the KOC and RAE part of the School, Mrs Olga GUCIC, expressed their gratitude to KFOR for their generosity.

CIMIC projects are part of the initiatives carried out by KFOR in favour of local population of all ethnicities, impartially and in the deepest respect for different cultures and religious beliefs.

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