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KFOR inaugurated new offices of Down Syndrome Kosova

Down Syndrome Kosova
PRISTINA- KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni FUNGO, presided over the opening ceremony of the Down Syndrome Kosova Association's new offices in Mitrovica.

The inauguration, organised by Colonel Fabio CAGNAZZO, Commander of the Carabinieri Multinational Specialised Unit, was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Mitrovica South, Mr. Faruk MUJCA and the Executive Director of the Down Syndrome Kosova Association, Mrs. Sebaote BECIRI.

This event marks the completion of the renovation of an old school carried out by military and civilian personnel belonging to the Carabinieri Multinational Specialised Unit (MSU) in Prishtine/Pristina.

The aim of the project is to ensure the development of potential for independent living of persons with Down Syndrome (DS) and empowerment of their parents and family members.

Down Syndrome Kosova (DSK) is a non-governmental organization with status of an Association, established by parents of children and persons affected by Down syndrome.

DSK’s mission is the protection and respect for human rights and dignity of persons with Down syndrome by providing information and communication to the community and professionals of relevant fields.

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