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KFOR in support of the local population

PRISTINA  - Each week KFOR organizes activities in support of the local population through important contribution of Joint Regional Detachments (JRDs), CIMIC personnel and Liaison Monitoring Teams.

During the last few days there were three activities carried out by KFOR JRDs. JRDC delivered medical supplies to the Decan / Decani Health Center and, in a separate activity, they also donated boots for firefighters in Podujevë / Podujevo. Whereas, JRDN donated sports equipment for recreational activities in Shupkovc / Supkovac and Zubin Potok Primary Schools.

CIMIC projects are part of the initiatives carried out by KFOR in favour of local population of all ethnicities, impartially and in the deepest respect for different cultures and religious beliefs.

KFOR in support of the local population

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