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KFOR hosted a delegation of Italian students

PRISTINA- KFOR Staff welcomed a delegation of students of the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) in Camp Film City, Pristina. The students were briefed about the overall situation in Kosovo and had the opportunity attend a lecture provided by the Kosovo Center for Security Study (KCSS) and presented by Mrs. Donika EMINI. At the end there was an open discussion on the above mentioned topic where all participants shared opinions and ideas.

This activity is part of a wider project that foresees a one week training course at the Multinational Battle Group West in Pec, organized in the field of their coursework aiming to deepen their knowledge of KFOR role in the Western Balkans area according to the UNSCR 1244.

LUISS is an independent, private university in Rome, Italy. It provides undergraduate and post-graduate education, in addition to a range of Double Degree programs, in the fields of finance, business, management, law and political science. It is considered one of the most important and prestigious institutions of higher education in Italy.

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