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KFOR holds a water management workshop

PRISTINA,Kosovo. KFOR organized a two-day workshop bringing together all civilian and military stakeholders involved in solving the flooding issues on the Pristina Airport and its close vicinity.

On February 27th , all representatives had a reconnaissance tour around the combined civilian and military airport. All areas affected by flooding and backwater, main culverts, channels and other sites of interest were inspected in order to identify all problematic spots. Moreover, KFOR invited a team of water management experts belonging to Netherlands Armed Forces in order to provide advise on the potential way ahead to solve this issue.

On February 28th , all stakeholders gathered in Pristina Airport for a decision making conference. Brigadier General Patricia M. ANSLOW, KFOR Chief of Staff, opened the conference and stated that "KFOR is very appreciative of the support from the Dutch Water Resource experts, the airport management team and the surrounding municipalities”. "Whether the water resource problem is simple or complex”, she added "it can only be solved working cooperatively, also looking for opportunities”. Representatives from Gracanica, Lipijan and Kosovo Polje and of Limak (Pristina Airport’s Chief of Operation) attended the workshop showing great appreciation for KFOR’s commitment in the improvement of civilian infrastructure and coordination with local authorities.

This project can be considered as a direct step forward to the normalization of the situation in Kosovo. During the conference all parties agreed on the need of a shared effort for a better functioning of the drainage system in Slatina area.
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KFOR holds a water management workshop in Pristina airport

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