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KFOR held the NATO Western Balkans Public Affairs Conference

PRISTINA- KFOR Public Affairs Office, under the patronage of NATO Joint Force Command (JFC NAPLES), organized and hosted the NATO Western Balkans Public Affair Conference in Camp Film City, Pristina.

The event was attended by NATO Chain of Command, the International Organizations and the Directors of local media. COMKFOR, Major General Giovanni FUNGO, opened the conference, welcoming the eminent guests.

The attendees had the possibility to discuss about media environment in Kosovo and the ability to effectively communicate in order to impact their organization’s reputation, upon the public’s expectation for information and transparency from all institutions.

This occasion, as well as events like Gender Perspective Day and Charity Concert, shows KFOR’s commitment to continue working together with the local institutions, the international community, and the media.

NATO Western Balkans Public Affair Conference

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Public Affairs Office
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina