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"Charity Pizza” event

PRISTINA- On 12th August, KFOR hosted, at Camp Film City, the "Charity Pizza” event for people with special needs living in the Community House of Decan/Decani.

Despite the unfavourable weather conditions guests enjoyed a hospitable evening in an atmosphere of solidarity. COMKFOR had the pleasure in welcoming Mrs. Hane LEKAJ BERISHA, Director of Community House of Decan/Decani.

The charity dinner organized by Joint Regional Detachment Center and Italian National Support Element staff was attended by KFOR military and civilian personnel. The organizers prepared and offered traditional Italian pizza and also afforded the opportunity for guests to create their own pizza under the supervision of Italian chefs.

During the evening, guests had the opportunity to donate to this worthy CIMIC project. A proportion of the money raised was used to buy sanitary materials such as wheelchairs and bedsore mattresses while the remaining money was used to purchase home appliances and bed liners for the Community House.

The Community House helps people with severe and persistent mental illness and provides a supportive family atmosphere for its members in which they can feel a sense of belonging and grow at their own pace.

Donations, CIMIC projects and charity events are part of the initiatives carried out by KFOR in favour of local population of all ethnicities, impartially and in the deepest respect for different cultures and religious beliefs.
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Charity Pizza

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina