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KFOR donates medical equipment

Pristina - As part of a CIMIC project, KFOR organised the donation of medical equipment in SRBICA/SKENDERAJ and KLINA/KLINE Municipalities.

On 29 August 2017, JRDC in close coordination with CIMIC and LMT personnel delivered the materials to the "Primary Health Station” in BANJA/BANJE and SUVO GRLO/SUHOGERLLE. The day after, they provided the equipment to a "Medical Centre” in KLINA/KLINE. The beneficiary, appreciating the supplies received, expressed their gratitude to KFOR for the support and the commitment.

CIMIC projects are part of the initiatives carried out by KFOR in favour of local population of all ethnicities, impartially and in the deepest respect for different cultures and religious beliefs.

Medical Equipment Donation

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