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KFOR Deputy Commander Transfer of Authority

PRISTINA – KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni FUNGO presided over the KFOR Deputy Commander Transfer of Authority ceremony at KFOR HQ, Camp Film City. 

Having assumed responsibility as Deputy Commander KFOR on the 6th of October 2016, outgoing Deputy Commander Brigadier General Christian REINER fulfilled his task in providing direct support to Commander KFOR through numerous challenging situations which occurred during his tour of duty.
His primary focus was in all aspects of KFOR training activities both in the planning and execution phase.   Proud with the progress and development of several KFOR Units during his time and a deep conviction that progress has been achieved in further enhancing peace and security throughout KOSOVO during the last year, Brigadier General Reiner handed over Authority to Incoming Deputy Commander KFOR Brigadier General János CSOMBÓK of the Hungarian Defence Forces.  

The ceremony was attended by a large gathering of VIPS and military personnel representing the popularity and esteem to which Brigadier General Reiner was held. 
During his address to those present he articulated the honour to both him and Austria to hold the position of Deputy Commander KFOR. He voiced his appreciation to all KFOR Units for their focus to mission accomplishment and highlighted how his knowledge had been expanded through KFOR interactions and relations with the various external agencies. 

KFOR Commander, Major General FUNGO availed of the opportunity to reiterate how autumn was a traditional time of changeover within KFOR but that today was "Christian’s REINER day”, but a painful one for him personally. He remarked Brigadier General REINER’S professionalism, sincerity and personnel advice which were always given at the right time at the right place.  He further acknowledged how the quality of all aspects of KFOR training was improved upon and how KFOR’s relations with external agencies were in better shape thanks to the Deputy Commander’s commitment.  
BG REINER have been awarded the Portuguese Military Medal, St George’s Cross 1st class, from the Portuguese Senior National representative and the NATO Medal from Commander KFOR.

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