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KFOR and KSF started to build a Soccer Field

PRISTINA - KFOR in close coordination with Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) carried out a Humanitarian project in order to promote the creation of training facilities in support of a multi ethnic soccer team in Rudnik/Runik, in Srbica/Skenderaj Municipality.

Mr. MEXHID, President of the NGO "UJQ" asked for KFOR and Srbica/Skenderaj Municipality support and, moreover, found donations from Switzerland to achieve the objective.

The project will be completed in three phases and it is directed to build a soccer field on artificial turf. The first phase began today with the excavation and leveling off the ground. KFOR Joint Regional Detachment Center will follow and coordinate works until the last phase.

CIMIC donations are part of the initiatives carried out by KFOR in favour of local population of all ethnicities, impartially and in the deepest respect for different cultures and religious beliefs.
For more pictures: flic.kr/s/aHsm4RLm3V

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