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KFOR and KSF replaced a broken pipe in Susica primary school

PRISTINA - KFOR conducted a CIMIC activity in Susica, a village of Gracanica municipality, inhabited by Kosovo Albanian and Kosovo Serb population. A broken sewage pipe in a primary school of this village was replaced.

This project was implemented by KFOR Joint Regional Detachment Center (JRDC), in close cooperation with Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and village representatives.

The broken sewage pipe in the playground of the primary school has caused unhealthy environment for kids since January 2017. Therefore JRDC, through Slovenian Liaison Monitoring Team (LMT), Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and Municipality of Gracanica purchased the pipe and provided technical team for the installation.

CIMIC activities are part of the initiatives carried out by KFOR in favor of local population of all ethnicities, impartially and in the deepest respect for different cultures and religious beliefs.

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