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Joint Regional Detachment Center marked Change of Command ceremony

PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni FUNGO, presided over the Change of Command ceremony of the Joint Regional Detachment Center (JRDC) in Camp Film City.

After one year of outstanding service, in front of his military and civilian personnel, the outgoing JRDC Commander, Colonel Francesco RANDACIO, handed over the command to Colonel Daniele BAJATA.

In his speech, COMKFOR expressed his gratitude for the work done by Col. RANDACIO and his military and civilian personnel. Since last September, JRDC has performed several activities in order to improve relationship among all communities.

JRDC is a multinational unit that includes 5 nations and operates in 13 municipalities with the Liaison Monitoring Teams (LMT). The main task is to provide situational awareness and to monitor security, socio-economic and political developments.

JRD-C Change of Command

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