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Change of Command at the Multinational Battle Group West

Belo Polje -  Multinational Battle Group-West (MNBG-W) Change of Command ceremony, presided by COMKFOR, Major General Salvatore CUOCI, took place today at Camp Villaggio Italia. On this occasion, the outgoing Commander, Colonel Enzo CERUZZI, handed over the command to Colonel Ettore GAGLIARDI.

During the six month tour of duty, MNBG-W, Italian led multinational unit, contributed to maintain a safe and secure environment and guarantee freedom of movement as 3rd responder within its area of responsibility and as 1st responder for the Decani Monastery. The MNBG-W also implemented a number of projects on civil-military cooperation to support the improvement of the living conditions for the local population.

Addressing the troops, the Commander of Kosovo Force, Major General CUOCI, expressed his deep appreciation for the results achieved by the Battle Group, recognizing their outstanding ability to perform tasks and undertake responsibilities with reliability, professionalism and great attention to detail.
In addition, he welcomed Colonel GAGLIARDI in KFOR XXII trusting in his great support and "Enduring Commitment” in performing his mission.

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