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1 JUL 2016 PRISTINA, Kosovo. The newly appointed Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Curtis M. Scaparrotti visited HQ KFOR at Camp "Film City” in Pristina where he was welcomed by Kosovo Force Commander Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta.
During the visit General Scaparrotti was briefed by General Miglietta and the international HQ Staff on the latest developments in the current security and political situation in Kosovo and in the greater western Balkans region. "The NATO Servicemembers hard work has enabled political and diplomatic progress in the country by ensuring freedom of movement and by helping to maintain a safe and secure environment,” said General Scaparrotti. "It was an honor to meet some of the men and women who are contributing to this important mission.” SACEUR expressed appreciation for the improved overall security situation and pointed out the key role of KFOR as an effective promoter of the normalization process in Kosovo.
SACEUR also had the opportunity to meet with KFOR service members, representing 31 nations and their respective unit commanders. During the troop engagement, he emphasized the importance of KFOR in the delicate and complex context of the Balkans and the need to continue to accomplish the mission promoting progress and dialogue in the region. As part of the visit, SACEUR, accompanied by COMKFOR, met with several high-ranking officials of Institution in Kosovo including Mr. Hashim Thaci, Mr. Isa Mustafa and Mr. Branimir Stojanovic; the "Quint Ambassadors”, the ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and United States in Kosovo as well as several Representatives of the International Community to include the EU Special Representative, the UNMIK Special Representative of Secretary General, the OSCE and EULEX Heads of Mission. Both international and local authorities expressed their appreciation to SACEUR for the significant contribution made by KFOR contingents in maintaining a safe and secure environment in the region.
SACEUR underlined the positive and close cooperation with all the other international and local organizations was essential in order to maintain freedom of movement throughout Kosovo.
On completion of his tour, General Scaparrotti visited the Gracanica Orthodox Monastery where he met Bishop Theodosje.

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Public Affairs Office
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina