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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /  OPERATION “DOG TAIL”


Pristina,  October 19th. Today, COMKFOR, Major General Giovanni Fungo, paid a visit in Brnjak, along the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) between Kosovo and Serbia, where is ongoing the "DOG TAIL operation".

It is a provision of KFOR support to Border Crossing Point Brnjak with search and if found, clearance of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and other Explosive Ordnance (EO).

Since last October 10th, KFOR is conducting this operation with specialist EOD units (Ukrainian dogs and Moldovan platoon) on EULEX’s request.

This operation represents another important KFOR commitment in order to maintain a safe and secure environment and ensure freedom of movement for all the people.

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