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Hungarian Unit Achieves Full Operational Capability

Camp Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Novo Selo, Kosovo. Delta Company Multi-National Battle Group East successfully completed a Full Operational Capability exercise in recent days. Delta Company is comprised entirely of Hungarian soldiers.

Company Commander, Captain Péter explains that "the exercise consisted of a number of operational scenarios that we had to deal with. First we had to deal with a freedom of movement problem that tested our tactics techniques and procedures for dealing with this scenario. We then had to cordon and secured an area and finally we were tested in our crowd riot control drills.”

Delta Company was the second Hungarian Company to successfully achieve Full Operational Capability, as Charlie Company achieved this, two weeks ago. Charlie Company is part of KFOR Tactical Reserve Manoeuvre Battalion (KTM) based in Slim Lines.

At the end of this exercise Lieutenant Colonel William Gray, Commander of the MNBG-E exercise assessment team, commented that "this exercise today just proved that these soldiers are ready to respond to any event. They have got all the necessary training to perform their role here and they proved to be a very capable unit”.

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