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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /  KFOR TROOPS PARTICIPATION IN EXERCISE "QUICK RESPONSE 2016" - Latest Update (Videos & Pictures)  /  QUICK RESPONSE 2016 - BiH - 04 OCT 2016 - KTM

QUICK RESPONSE 2016 - BiH - 04 OCT 2016 - KTM

This afternoon, at Manjaca, outside Banja Luka BiH, saw the final and culmination of "Exercise Quick Response 2016,” which witnessed a significant contribution from the Hungarian and Portuguese troops of the KTM Battalion acting in the role of a robust and rapidly deployable tactical reserve. This multi-serial exercise involved troops from the 5 th Brigade of the AFBiH, the EUFOR Multi-National Battalion (MNBN), composed of Austrian and Turkish troops. A Company of troops flown in from the UK and designated as the Intermediate Reserve Force (IRF); and finally the troops of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion.

The exercise concept dynamically played out in front of a distinguished audience of invited guests and journalists; envisaged a scenario where a meeting of conflicting parties was being conducted under the overmatch and protection of EUFOR in a village.

At a short ceremony following the successful conclusion of the exercise, all troops formally paraded and were thanked by Commander EUFOR for not only their professionalism, but also the fabulous camaraderie and rapport that was evident throughout the exercise between the KFOR troops and the soldiers of his command.

The exercise has demonstrated that the troops of the KTM are both ready and proficiently capable to be engaged as and when required, as a Tactical Reserve capable of conducting all infantry specific tasks’; including crowd and riot control all over Kosovo in order to deter and counter any threat whatsoever against a Safe and Secure Environment (SASE) and Freedom of Movement (FOM). Also, in this instance the KTM proved their ability to deploy a "over the horizon” Tactical Reserve in support of EUFOR in BiH.

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