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PRISTINA, Kosovo. This afternoon at "Camp Film City” the annual Summer Festival was held for all the families of the Civilian staff who work hand-in- hand with the KFOR mission and who make such an important contribution to not only the success but the smooth running of the mission on a day-to- day basis.

In absolutely magnificent sunshine despite an almost apocalyptic thunderstorm of the previous evening, a wonderful day was had by all in what can only be described as a truly relaxed carnival atmosphere. Each contingent vied to outdo each other with their national display stalls that were in themselves a showcase of the rich tapestry of culture and diversity that encompasses the KFOR mission. The day was very much for the children, where a number of activities were staged from face painting to ‘spins’ around the airfield perimeter in armoured vehicles. A number of contingents also gave a wonderful display of their traditional national dances. A great deal of effort was put into the organisation and planning of the event by the HSG and it is a credit to their staff that the event was such an acknowledged success. The staff of the DFAC is also to be complimented on the wonderful fare that was available to all throughout the festivities. Certainly one of the highlights of the day was a Hungarian Parachute display that showcased the precision and skills-set of Military Parachuting.

KFOR Commander, Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, sincerely and warmly thanked all the civilian staff not only for their ongoing commitment but also comradeship that is such an intrinsic part of the mission in often very demanding circumstances.

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Public Affairs Office
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina