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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /  JRD C CIMIC ACTIVITY IN PEC/PEJA MUNICIPALITY


Today in Pec/Peja Municipality JRD-C CIMIC and LMT K13 donated medical equipment to Goradzevac/Gorazhdec Health Centre in the village of Kos which is 10 Km from Pec/Peja and also to the Municipal Health Centre in the center of Pec/Peja which treats patients suffering from diabetes.

Such equipment include Glucometers, Oximeter, Thermometers, Blood pressure measuring instruments, all falling under KFOR’s ongoing CIMIC Health Care quick impact projects (QIPs).

It is important to underline that this donation will support all the citizens of Pec/Peja and the surrounding area. During the activity the medical personnel expressed their gratitude, stressing the continuing importance of such projects supported by KFOR.

JRDs (North, Centre and South) support COM KFOR’s situational awareness and communication campaign in their Area of Responsibility by liaising with local authorities, International Organizations (IOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This enables the close monitoring and early identification of security, socio-economic and political events. They also play a pivotal role in contributing to the maintenance of a Safe and Secure Environment (SASE) and Freedom of Movement (FOM). At present, JRD-C is commanded by an Italian Officer and includes personnel from 5 countries (Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Turkey) . Headquarters’ JRD-C is located at Camp "Film City” in Pristina.

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10000, Pristina