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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /  JOINT REGIONAL DETACHMENT NORTH CHANGE OF COMMAND


08th October 2016 - Today, KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni Fungo, presided over the change of command ceremony in "Camp Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny”, between Colonel Reto Ulrich FLÜHMANN (CHE) and Colonel Martin SCHULER (CHE).

Since April 2016, the intense activity conducted by JRD-N Commander in key Leader Engagement with political, social and religious authorities and representatives of several ethnic groups contributed significantly to the improved relationships among all communities of northern Kosovo.

KFOR Commander thanked Colonel Reto Ulrich FLÜHMANN for his high professionalism and welcomed the new Commander wishing him all the best for the future JRD North commitments. COMKFOR addressed the soldiers of JRD North: "you have to be proud of your commander and I ask you to support colonel SCHULER in the same way you have supported colonel FLÜHMANN because the merit of the unit are not only to go to the commander but to the all team and you were able to show to be an excellent team and example for all KFOR”.

The JRD-North is a multinational unit led by Switzerland and it is made up of military personnel from Greece, Slovenia and Switzerland. JRD-N operates in five municipalities in Kosovo, with its Liaison and Monitoring Teams. Their main task is liaison with local institutions, international organizations and the local population.

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