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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /  HIGH LEVEL TALKS WITH SERBIA


PRISTINA, Kosovo. Today, Kosovo Force Commander, Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, visited Serbia where he met with the Chief of Staff of Serbian Armed Forces (SAF).

Both Senior Officers discussed the current security challenges and the positive effect of KFOR’s activities, especially in Northern Kosovo, where there have been no recent significant incidents or events to jeopardize security and freedom of movement.

They also agreed that cooperation and mutual activities, carried out through synchronized KFOR/SAF patrols along the Administrative Boundary Line, contribute to maintaining a peaceful and positive atmosphere.

KFOR continues to fully accomplish its tasks, according to the NATO mandate, promoting activities for the implementation of the stabilization process in Kosovo.

This meeting is part of the High Level Talks schedule aimed to increase dialogue and mutual military understanding. KFOR Commander periodically meets the Chiefs of Defence of the countries bordering the KFOR area of responsibility.

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