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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /  DANCON MARCH


On October 9th, the Danish contingent organized, at Camp Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny in Novo Selo, the "Dancon March”, a traditional march dating back to 1972. Given the choice to march 25 kilometres or 40 kilometres, carrying over 10 pounds, the participants concurred to a good cause in support of Danish injured veterans. The 1100 participants included KFOR troops and members of EULEX and KSF. COMKFOR and COS KFOR also took part to the event respectively in the 25 and 40 km march.

Here are the results:

  • 40 km:
Women: 2nd Lieutenant Zsofia KOUSZ (HUN) in 5h38m
Men: Major Sergeant Romy MONTANELLI (ITA) in 4h39m.

  • 25 km:
Women: Maria TORNACK (DEU) in 3h20m
Men: Cpt Hannes SILBERBAUER (AUS) in 2h16m.

All participants were awarded with a medal, a diploma and of course the joy and the honor of the participation.

Well done and see you next edition.

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