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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2016  /   MNBG-W CONDUCTS “FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT” EXERCISE


PRISTINA, Kosovo. Multinational Battle Group West Manoeuvre Battalion conducted Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) "Freedom of Movement” training exercise in Camp "Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny” (Novo Selo).
The exercise was based on a realistic scenario and it was preceded by one week of preparation and training in Crowd Riot Control (CRC) drills and techniques. The purpose of the exercise was to maintain the operational capabilities of the PAPA Company, consisting of Moldovan and Italian soldiers.
The exercise was an opportunity to enhance the operative integration and flexibility of the units of Multinational Battle Group West.
Training and exercises are routine military activities for KFOR troops. KFOR uses these types of exercise to train and improve the capabilities of its units based on intensive realistic scenarios.
MMBG-W is the Italian led KFOR Command which is based in Camp "Villaggio Italia”, in the western part of Kosovo. MNBG-W contributing nations are: Austria, Italy, Moldavia and Slovenia. The focus of their operations is to ensure freedom of movement and the maintenance of a safe and secure environment in the assigned area of responsibility.

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